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Mamiko Ikeda
Born and raised in Japan.
Her passion for textile made by craftsmanship has taken her to Italy, where she found that kimono and Italian fashion have something in common. 

Her passion for Kimono started in her childhood, when she saw her grandmother worn kimono every day.  This influence has lasted till her adulthood. She studied Hitory of Art at Keio University and wrote a thesis about Kimono 'Tsujigahana' in the Momoyama era (late 16th century). She loves modern Tsujigahana kimono produced by Ichiku Kubota and antique Kimono and accessories collected by Shigeko Ikeda. Her professional career started as an assistant producer for a commercial/film production studio company. When she had her first son, she started to be an animation writer for Ojarumaru and Grrl Power to Victorian Romance Emmaand many more for next 25 years.

Since 2008, she has been trained under Setsuko Ishida, a Kimono stylist and started collecting antique Kimono and accessories. She studied Italian in the early 1980's in Florence and has come back to Italy since 2012. She completed the fashion marketing master course at IED (Istituto Europeo di Design). Her Kimono rental business 'WAJAKU' has taken off in Milan; Muji opening party, her first event, took place in September 2012 at Rinascente department store. Her dream is to promote Japanese culture and help people in Italy, Europe and beyond the boundaries understand authentic Japanese culture through Kimono.  


慶応大学、文学部、美学美術史専攻。卒論のテーマは安土桃山時代の着物“辻が花”。在学中よりイタリア・ファッションにも興味を持ち、フィレンツエに2ヶ月間の語学留学をするが、バイトで始めたコマーシャル&プロモーションビデオの制作の仕事が面白くなり、そのままその会社に就職。4年余り、PARCO,西武デパートのコマーシャル、尾崎豊、Hound dogのプロモーションビデオなどの製作現場にプロダクションマネージャとして参加。その後、シナリオ学校に入学、長男の出産を機に、アニメのシナリオを書き始める。NHKのおじゃる丸、ケロロ軍曹などファミリー向けから、英国戀物語エマ、異国迷路のクロワーゼなどのマニア向けのものまで、25年間に渡りシナリオライターの仕事に従事。

2008 年より着物スタイリスト石田節子に師事、楽ちんに楽しく着られる着物を学びはじめる。この時期、同時にイタリア語の勉強も再開。
二人の息子の独立を機に、2012年よりイタリア・ミラノに渡り、ファッション専門学校IED(Istituto Europeo di Design)の1年間のファッションマーケティング・マスターコースを卒業する。